Publications of Paltineanu, Oana Sinziana

Paltineanu OS. Review of "Nationhood from Below. Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century.". Vol 21.; 2014. (European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire; vol 21; no 1).
Paltineanu OS. Miroslav Hroch’s Model of Small Nation-formation and Begriffsgeschichte. In: Maxwell A, editor. The Comparative Approach to National Movements. Miroslav Hroch and Nationalism Studies. London: Routledge; 2012. p. 45-61.
Paltineanu OS. Review of "The Novel: An Introduction.". Vol 19.; 2012. (European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire; vol 19; no 3).
Paltineanu OS. The Category of Time in Japanese. Towards an Integralist Perspective. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. 2006;LI, No. 1(Philologia):111-21.